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2024 Exercising your right and privilege to vote

Texas Farm Bureau Friends of Agriculture Fund(AGFUND), Inc. President
Russell Boening
President, Texas Farm Bureau AGFUND

This year represents an important election cycle in Texas. Much is at stake in the outcome of the 2024 political races.

Since 1990, Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) members have utilized a political action fund to participate in this process. We call it AGFUND.

AGFUND supports candidates for office who understand agriculture and are supportive of the policies and ideas of farm and ranch families. We are careful of the process to ensure it is a true grassroots effort.

It is vital to elect individuals who will champion our issues. We must elect people who will represent our interests in the face of adversity - leaders who will listen to the critical needs of their constituents and act on them to improve our lives and the health and wellbeing of our nation.

The voter is the most powerful individual in our democratic processes. Voting is a right, but it is also a privilege. I encourage TFB members to vote, and I hope you'll carefully examine the positions of candidates and compare their positions with yours.

Please understand that no one at TFB is telling you how to vote. What we can do is explain agricultural issues and examine them for you. We report on how the candidates stand on these issues, and we measure them on their support of Farm Bureau policy and support for agriculture.

Your vote is your own decision. Regardless of which candidate you support, it is important that you vote.

So, please make your choice and exercise your constitutional right and privilege to vote.

Texas Farm Bureau Friends of Agriculture (AGFUND), Inc.
Texas Farm Bureau AGFUND | P.O. Box 2689, Waco, Texas 76702 | Last Updated: Wednesday, May 29, 2024